Tuesday, January 22, 2008

the sincerest form of flattery

as I continue to hone in and refine my goals for this blog... i've posted a new link in the "places to go, people to see" links to the right: paul isakson.

paul and i worked together for about a year, during my tenure at barnhart/cmi (now barnhartusa ). i thoroughly enjoyed my time with paul, as we did not share accounts so we could be friends without letting the day to day in the way.

paul was the one of the sharpest knives in the bcmi drawer and his career success does not surprise me a bit.

i'm not sure when paul started his "blog" but i have been following it for close to a year now. his site is especially useful in the fact that he posts extremely interesting advertising and marketing finds along with his well articulated and thought out point of view. it's fun to learn from others!

paul also finds a way to intersperse some of his personal life along with the industry insights and commentary he shares. quite similar to what i would like to do with this space.

in addition, paul's site probably gets hundreds of visitors regularly. where as this space is lucky to be hit by a spambot.

thanks for the inspiration paul!


Paul Isakson said...

Well, this comment proves you got one hit that wasn't a spam bot! Ha!

I'm honored and flattered, Bill. You are far too kind.

I definitely recall your "Article, Smarticle" finds and I look forward to what you will be sharing here.

My unsolicited advice would be to just roll with it and you'll find your way here.

Thanks again.

Paul Isakson said...

hello? where'd you go? the hardest part is getting started. one post a week for a month. then two. that's all it takes. you can do it!